Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The Pierley/Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnosis

 Take the test here
My diagnosis (doesn't seem to be correct for me :))

Quiet and very self-assured, you tend to keep your own council. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. In fact, because you are very much an individualist, you often finds yourself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority. You will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon yourself decisions which are rightly those of your manager. You are not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, you will also not happily give credit where it is not due. In a romantic relationship you can be very frustrating. While you do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, your confidence in your own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner’s point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, you can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. You can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

After taking this test 2nd time - the results were different (I was making very quick decisions this time):
Often concerned with right and wrong, and punctilious in expressing it, you are best represented by the Customs Agent or the IRS inspector. Initially seen by others as cold or uncaring, you are difficult for those more spontaneous members of society to understand. You are extremely stable, responsible and dependable. You manifest an amazing ability to concentrate on the issue at hand, and are difficult to distract from issues that are important. You manifest a great sense of loyalty to your employers and your government. You tend to show love through a display of committed works, believing that actions speak louder than words. You are also resistant to change and tend to believe that the old ways are best. If a behavior has been successful in the past, why would anyone want to change? You work best in a controlled environment.

Some interesting comments about this test here     and here
This test doesn't seem to be backed up by any research etc.

Here is the soursecode

My Biorhythmic chart for 2011

Click here to get the same chart

How To Be Assertive

How To Be Assertive
1.Stand up for yourself
1.       confront the issue
-show empathy for the other person’s feelings
-describe your unhappiness
-explain what you want to see change
2.  Do’s and Don’ts
 -don’t lose your temper
-don’t make judgements (about other person  ex. look , hair etc)
DO Stand up tall and maintain eye contact
-DO Use “I” statements
-DO Own your feelings
3.Stay on track
   -consider new information and re-evaluate
4.Just say “NO”
- say NO to unreasonable requests
-repeat the request
-explain why you said “no”
   Ex. It completes me

Be true to yourself
State what YOU WANT
GET  what you WANT
GET what you need
Smile , compassion, form of love
Dare to shine!
Look your best
Visualise your success
Feel comfortable
Don’t assume others are mind readers 
Project Assertiveness With Your Posture

Learn to ask for what you need and desire in a mindful, positive manner. Here's where you use your feminine powers! First, make a brief compliment. Then, ask for a single change. Finally, thank your partner! If you use this model in small increments, he'll get trained and you'll get what you want. This kind of communication will help you get ahead in all areas of your life, including the bedroom.

Direct eye contact (soft gaze)- can be broken with horizontal glances away,
Face- nodding (yes, I hear you) , smiling, smiling with your eyes,   focusing,  do NOT break eye contact,
 straight posture ,  look confident , happy , peaceful, very passionate
restrained hands , when touching occurs , be gentle and express empathy.

Effective Study Motivation Tips

Effective Study Motivation Tips :
Get yourself to pick that book up now!  Useful Study Motivation Tips
Finding it hard to get study motivation? Have a big test coming up but just not motivated to study? Fallen back on your classes but still not able to get yourself to pick up the books?
Well you’re not the only one feeling this way. Whether you are currently a student studying in school or an adult picking up new knowledge, all of us have experienced lack of motivation to study. This is especially so when the subject you’re studying interests you as much as watching paint dry!
Fortunately, with will power, determination and some simple tips & techniques, anyone can turn their dislike into study motivation.
Studying can be fun, interesting and exciting. Never label studying as “boring”, “painful” or “uncomfortable”. That way you’ll be pre-framing yourself negatively even before you start. You’d have lost the battle before it even began. In fact, don’t even call it a battle. Studying is a meaningful journey of discovery.

1. Be Curious – get interested in the subject you’re studying
When you’re interested in the subject you’re studying, things become so much easier. You’ll be naturally motivated to learn and read about it. So how do we become interested in what we’re studying? We adopt a curious attitude. As long as you’re curious enough, anything can be interesting.
Question it, use your imagination, get inside the subject, understand what makes it tick, find out how you can apply it in life, read real life case studies. There are many ways to make a subject interesting when you adopt a curious mindset.

2. Set a schedule and study at the right time
Set a study schedule everyday. It’s good to plan your day in advance. Set a specific time for studying, and a time for playing or relaxing. This way, you won’t worry about ‘missing’ your fun. You may be studying hard now, but you know that later on you’ll be enjoying yourself. So this keeps you focused on studying in the present.
Here’s a tip : When planning your day, it’s always good to study first. If you think you should watch some TV or relax a little first before ‘getting down to it’, you’re making a big mistake. Doing that will only make it harder for you to start studying. The first step is always the hardest.
Also when setting study schedules, schedule your studying time at the time of the day where there will be the least distractions. Also choose the time when you’re at your peak state to study. This means obviously not studying after heavy meals (where digestion will make you sleepy) and times where you’ll be tired (ie. late nights)

3. Get started – 5 minute challenge
The hardest part of doing anything is getting started. The first step is always the toughest. After you got that out of the way, it’s all downhill. This is because once you’ve got momentum; it’s easy to keep it going. So it’s vital that you get yourself going in the first place.
This study motivation tip can help you get started. This is what you can do, whenever you’re not motivated to start studying, just plan to study for 5 minutes. That’s it, just 5 minutes. Tell yourself that you’ll be studying seriously for 5 minutes then you’ll stop.
Usually, what happens is after the 5 minutes are up, you would have been well into the swing of things that you’ll want to continue studying longer. Yeah that’s right. It’s quite a cool way to ‘trick’ ourselves. The key here is to make sure that for those 5 minutes you are really studying 100%. Not dreaming or getting distracted by other stuff.

   4. Stop/start at the fun part
When having to stop for breaks, meals or other activities, plan to stop when you’re at a fun part of the subject. The parts that are more interesting and enjoyable to you. This way, when you continue to study later, it’ll be much easier to get started because you’ll be starting at the fun parts.
    5. Remove distractions from your surroundings
Obviously this is very important for your study motivation. When you got the TV, phone, computer, bed, magazines etc nearby, you’ll be easily tempted to throw your books aside. Try to remove as many distractions away from you as possible.
You don’t need strand yourself on an island with only your books. Just make sure that any of these distractions are not near you.
When the remote is right next to you, you’re more likely to pick it up. Same with your phone, laptop etc. But if you have to walk all the way across to another part of the house to watch TV chances are you’ll be less likely to do it.
    6. Set a study area – make it as conducive as possible
The environment can play a big part in your study motivation. Imagine studying in a dimly lit, hot and stuffy room with loud music on playing in the corner. Or, in a quiet room, bright, with the right temperature and good air ventilation. Which room would make you feel more motivated to study?
If possible, have a regular study area. Make sure it’s conducive like being well lit, has ventilation, quiet and so on. Place all your notebooks, stationary, reference books in your study area. Make your study area as conducive to studying as possible.

7. Put yourself in a strong motivated state

Take 5 minutes before you start studying to put yourself into the proper state. Turn off any music, sit down, clear your mind and take deep breaths. Say a prayer or do some visualizations and light meditation. Visualize yourself happily studying and clearly understanding what you have learned.
Other methods include pumping yourself up by saying encouraging words and making a fist, and also by using NLP techniques such as anchoring and submodalities.
8. Set Goals  Setting goals will give you more motivation. When there’s a target to aim at, we’ll be more determined rise up to the challenge and push ourselves to achieve it. The sense of satisfaction from the achievement is also a good confidence booster. And it will cultivate a studying habit.                                                     Set goals such as how many sections/chapters you plan to cover within a period of time, grades to score in tests and others.
9. Reward yourself   Finally remember to reward yourself for the job well done. If you’ve stuck to your schedule, didn’t let yourself get distracted and successfully achieved the goals you set out, you deserve a reward for that.                                                            Reward yourself immediately. It doesn’t even need to be anything major, just simple things like enjoying an ice-cream sundae, watching your favorite TV show or calling friends up to chat. Of course, also give yourself big rewards whenever you have major achievements.
Final thoughts… Remember, the toughest part in studying is to get started. As long as you are determined and push yourself to pick up the book, half the battle is already won. With willpower, determination and using the study motivation tips above, getting study motivation shouldn’t be a problem anymore!

9 Mind Tricks to Get What You Want - Impress others subconsciously

1. To seem like a team player at work ...
Put up a picture of your dog (or even a friend’s pup) in your workspace. When people
look at shots of a pet dog, they not only tend to presume you’re loyal, but they may also
act more loyal toward you. But don’t paper your cube with canines. Research shows that
too many personal shots make others perceive you as a less professional worker.
2. To appear more powerful in the office hierarchy ...
Wear a chic all-black outfit to work, and don’t smile as often as you’re inclined. You’ll be
seen as assertive and directed. Studies have found that people in black uniforms (like
sports teams) are viewed as more dominant figures, while the act of keeping a neutral
face is associated with higher status and power in a work environment.
3. To bond with the boss ...
Offer to get her a hot cup of coffee — even if you’re not her assistant — and chat her up
as she’s drinking it.
A recent study showed that just by holding the high-temp liquid, she’ll implicitly assume you’re an emotionally warm person — someone very likable. Just don’t hand her an iced latte or you could trigger a frosty reception.
4. To have "the talk" without making your partner flip out ...
Take him to a restaurant that has soft feminine colors and furniture with few angular
lines. Researchers think that simply being in this kind of an environment can influence a
person to behave in a more feminine way in terms of communicating. That means that
he’ll be more likely to be open and disclose his true feelings to you.
5. To make your crush fall for you on a dinner date ...
Subtly touch the back of his hand as you’re reaching across the table for bread. It’s a
proven way to win someone’s affection: Libraries and car dealerships have higher
customer-satisfaction ratings when workers imperceptibly touch their clients. Touch
activates the human desire to bond.
6. To seem more alluring when you meet a guy ...
Talk about a beach vacation you took using sensual terms (e.g., “The sun felt so
fabulously warm against my skin”) to paint a mental picture about the climate. According
to psychologists, this seductive I-feel-like-I’m-there speech will make him associate your
personality with the lush sensations you’re describing.
7. To impress a guy’s parents the first time you meet them ...
Casually praise someone whom you’re certain his mom or dad holds in high esteem, such
as a political figure, author, or celebrity. Experts say that as you talk about their hero in a
positive light, your targets start to think about all the qualities they admire in that person.
And because they’re looking at you, they’ll subconsciously link you with that person’s
positive traits
8. To make a friend out of an acquaintance ...
Start mirroring her behavioral tics, like touching your hair when she touches hers. We
like to see ourselves in other people. Researchers at New York University found that
when you’re sitting across from someone who’s unconsciously shaking his foot, if you
start moving yours in a similar but unobtrusive way, then the person feels more positive
toward you.
9. Your slob roomie to clean up after herself more often ...
Spray a bit of liquid all-purpose cleaner in the air right before she enters the skanky spot
in question. A Dutch study recently proved that the faint smell of a cleaning product will
spur people to start picking up the area around them. You can also prime her by squirting
a little fluid in the bathroom sink before she goes in to use it.

Feel good chemicals and love

Arousal creates feel good chemicals

Deeply relaxed lovers create a resonance effect called entrainment that brings about deep healing for both partners.

Positive emotion and Extrasensory perception

Recent studies show that positive emotion/thought such as love, joy, greatfulness and etc. effects human DNA by making the strands longer and more perceptive (meaning uncoding the hidden talents such as ESP, precognition, clairvoyance and others), when negative emotion such as fear, anger, despair and etc. makes DNA shrink, therefore limiting human perception a great deal. One has to establish an ongoing positive thought in order for these changes to occur.