Wednesday 6 April 2011

How To Be Assertive

How To Be Assertive
1.Stand up for yourself
1.       confront the issue
-show empathy for the other person’s feelings
-describe your unhappiness
-explain what you want to see change
2.  Do’s and Don’ts
 -don’t lose your temper
-don’t make judgements (about other person  ex. look , hair etc)
DO Stand up tall and maintain eye contact
-DO Use “I” statements
-DO Own your feelings
3.Stay on track
   -consider new information and re-evaluate
4.Just say “NO”
- say NO to unreasonable requests
-repeat the request
-explain why you said “no”
   Ex. It completes me

Be true to yourself
State what YOU WANT
GET  what you WANT
GET what you need
Smile , compassion, form of love
Dare to shine!
Look your best
Visualise your success
Feel comfortable
Don’t assume others are mind readers 
Project Assertiveness With Your Posture

Learn to ask for what you need and desire in a mindful, positive manner. Here's where you use your feminine powers! First, make a brief compliment. Then, ask for a single change. Finally, thank your partner! If you use this model in small increments, he'll get trained and you'll get what you want. This kind of communication will help you get ahead in all areas of your life, including the bedroom.

Direct eye contact (soft gaze)- can be broken with horizontal glances away,
Face- nodding (yes, I hear you) , smiling, smiling with your eyes,   focusing,  do NOT break eye contact,
 straight posture ,  look confident , happy , peaceful, very passionate
restrained hands , when touching occurs , be gentle and express empathy.

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