Tuesday 17 May 2011

Love - evoL , The mesmerising world of music - cisum fo dlrow gnisiremsem ehT

Love for music...

"cisum fo dlrow gnisiremsem ehT"

I've never experienced such a feeling before.
I realised it only when I felf that noone loves me. so I found something to looooooove.
Rhythms, sounds, beats are my new love.
Every single beat makes this love grow.

24th of May2011 - it all happened on that day. That day changed my life. That day changed the day of 1st of May turned out for me. on that same day of 1st of May I realised that there is something more in the music, it not only makes us happy, it mesmerises us, it's hypnotising, it's addictive.
It takes us into another dimention, away from this world, somewhere where I haven't been before, to the .....It takes my mind onto a journey, exploration of myself, of my world.
But the main point is that it fills in that emptiness inside me ...............
Gives sence to my life. Relationships come and go, leaving bitter tasting memoried behind . but music stays there with me, forever and ever. It'll never leave me. It'll always be with me, now and forever....

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