Saturday 19 February 2011

Planetary Hours and lovely ME

This morning around 2 am I downloaded a very interesting software called "Planetary Hours Software" What it does it shows planetary hour times for any given day or location.
Each day is related to 7 planets: click here for related post
You can download this great software here

So today I decided to start testing myself. Each time I do something different - I look at the program and see how it corresponds with each hour of the day.
So today around 11:15 am I felt like i want to contact my friends: I wrote an email to one friend (11:22am), I sent an sms to another (11:32am).
I was planning to go out , but changed my mind and insted decided to browse internet for articles about witchcraft (12:20pm).

Then when I looked into the program - It was a pleasant surprise:
11:22 and 11:32 was an hour of Mercury (planet of communication)
and 12:20 belonged to the hour of a Moon (planet of all spiriual). Interesting... More tests to follow...

14:07 I was browsing google maps- planning to visit Glastenbury, and when I saw a picture on google map - igot an idea to create my own TravelBlog and upload all photos taken while travelling, in this case photos of Glastenbury.
14:07 was an hour of Jupiter (travel, tourism etc)

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